
To create abbreviations with titles.


1{{< abbr [text] [title] >}}




The rendered text, case-sensitive, which also used as the key of data files.



Define the title in-place instead of reading it from data files.

Data Files

The data files should be placed under the data/abbreviations folder, and naming it in site language code, such as data/abbreviations/en.toml for English site.

1Hugo = "The world's fastest framework for building static websites"
2HugoMods = "Hugo Modules"

The Hugo and HugoMods on above example data file are the text (key) of the shortcode.


Let’s say the data file as same as the above example data file.

Abbreviations Using Site Data

1{{< abbr "HugoMods" >}} is a collection of third party modules for {{< abbr "Hugo" >}}.
HugoMods is a collection of third party modules for Hugo.

Abbreviations With Specified Title

1{{< abbr "HugoMods" "Third party Hugo modules" >}} is a collection of third party modules for {{< abbr "Hugo" >}}.
HugoMods is a collection of third party modules for Hugo.

Abbreviations With Non-existent or Invalid Keys

1The {{< abbr "hugo" >}} and {{< abbr "foobar" >}} will still be rendered, but without titles and will got the following similar warning messages.
The hugo and foobar will still be rendered, but without titles and will got the following similar warning messages.
1WARN  [abbr] missing title for "hugo"
2WARN  [abbr] missing title for "foobar"